“Is there a god?”

In a blog (“Can Devices be Intelligent?“)   I read recently, the author  asks at the end of his post whether such a device would be able to contemplate the question,  “Is there a god?”

An AI device would not be able to answer either because it is either programmed by us or if it thinks on its own can not be more logical than we are.  Because the question has nothing to do with logic. I think a god fills the need of human beings to find someone responsible for the mess we find ourselves in. Believers think it is only him / her who can change things around.

I personally think it is better not to have a god because mankind should finally grow up and take responsibility for its actions. If there was a god we would blame him / her for everything and would tear him / her down as we do already with elected officials who do not fulfill our expectations. Jesus lasted only five days from Sunday to Friday.

Pope Francis in his encyclical said humanity’s “reckless” behavior has pushed the planet to a perilous “breaking point.”. He asked for  the cooperation of all people to build a better world. This is taking responsibility.